Ten Minutes on Campus with Mrs. Evans

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
~ Ferris Bueller

I admit it. I missed school the past two weeks. First we had vacation, and then I went to the National Association of Independent School’s annual head of school meeting and conference in St. Louis. So, I haven’t seen our students and faculty in action in over two weeks. I excitedly returned today and took my camera on a spin around campus, and I saw a lot of great activity. 

Of course, I started by going to the middle school morning meeting. Typically, the eighth graders run this bi-weekly gathering of the middle school, but today Chloe, Sophia, Aubrey, Campbell, and Leela led the meeting with the topic of March Madness. They arranged a quick game of lightning with representatives from fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade shooting against each other. Preston in seventh grade earned the win with some crowd-pleasing dunks.

The students left morning meeting and went straight to class. Mr. Kerr’s sixth grade is reading and enjoying The Giver by Lois Lowry.

One section of eighth graders moved on to science, where they are studying organelles. They look like they will be ready for their quiz on Thursday.


I moved downstairs to check on the lower school students. Xander was leading Mrs. Chiao’s fourth grade class morning meeting, which included sharing good news with each other. I learned that one student’s soccer team moved into the Sweet Sixteen and another student lost a tooth. How happy I was when one student’s good news was that I joined the classroom. The fourth graders also demonstrated their knowledge of Backstreet Boys lyrics!

While wandering near fourth grade, I also saw this wonderful display of fourth grade art. I did not know that a gathering of owls is called a parliament.

These third grade Spanish students aren’t actually tired. They are demonstrating their understanding of “cansada” and other states (happy, angry, sad) to their Spanish teacher, Señorita Buth. 

A lot happens in first grade. I found Mrs. Zwerling’s class drawing poppies in their sketch books in Ms. Yagar’s art studio.

Lila and Thomas led Mrs. Carter’s calendar session in the other first grade classroom.

The kindergarteners started their morning forming human number bonds. As you can see, a group of three and a group of two form the number five.

Finally, I walked outside and saw Freida Hall and Lorenzo Panuco planning how we will serve lunch for the first time from our new kitchen. I can’t wait to see how that goes today.

I had a great time reconnecting with the HDS family. 

Gradatim ad Summum,
Angi Evans

Harbor Day School

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Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.